
The leading provider of safety and health training products for the K-12 market.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Food allergies in schools

Food allergies affect 6-8 percent of school-age children and have increased 55 percent in the last five years, according to a report issued by the Massachusetts Department of Education. It also says that forty to 50% of allergic children have a high risk of anaphylaxis (a life-threatening allergic reaction, which can occur within minutes of exposure to the allergen).

Allergic reactions vary among students. Some react by touching or inhaling the allergen, others can die from consumption of as little as one five-thousandth of a teaspoon of the allergenic food.

Eight foods (peanut, tree nut, milk, egg, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish) account for 90 percent of food allergies, although any food can cause an allergic reaction.

School districts should develop policies to reduce exposure to food allergens and treat allergic reactions:

the school nurse should oversee the development of an Individualized Health Care Plan for each student
all staff should receive basic education concerning food allergies
schools should be prepared to manage an anaphylactic emergency by having personnel trained to respond, physician’s orders on file and a current supply of epinephrine and auto-injectors on hand for emergencies

Monday, January 23, 2006

Student confidentiality

When a school official released information about a student’s schizophrenia, the student and his parents were deeply traumatized and they brought a costly lawsuit against the school district.

Student right to privacy or confidentiality is protected by two major federal laws that every school system must adhere to: FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

FERPA demands that all student records – from grades to disciplinary and personal information, should be kept confidential and released only with parents’ consent or students’, if they’re over 18. The records should be kept in a locked filing cabinet and not shared with school officials without written consent. Parents may request changes to the records and the school must reply promptly to their requests.

HIPAA protects the student’s past, present and future physical and mental health records. The regulation affects school based health centers, school nurse submissions and information the school sends or receives from doctors and hospitals. HIPAA regulations require parental consent before any medical information can be released. In emergencies, schools can send info, but only minimal information should be sent.

When schools follow FERPA and HIPAA guidelines, student confidentiality rights are protected and schools shield themselves from expensive lawsuits.