Rider tips for school bus safety
School buses remain the safest form of transportation in U.S., but they’re not accident free. According to statistics, there are 16,000 school bus collisions annually resulting in 12,000 injuries and 130 deaths.
To prevent further accidents, students should be taught how to ride school buses safely and follow these important safety tips:
* The bus driver cannot see students standing closer than 10 feet to the bus. Stay out of the danger zone when the bus approaches.
* Students should not retrieve fallen items under or near the bus. Ask the driver to get it.
* Students should wait for the bus in a safe place, away from the street.
* Students should look for safety lights when they get on or off the bus and make sure they are flashing.
* Students should be alert for other traff
ic when they exit the bus and look both ways before crossing the street.
* Cross in front of the bus after the driver says it is safe to proceed.
Make sure your students know how to ride the bus safely to avoid accidents.
To prevent further accidents, students should be taught how to ride school buses safely and follow these important safety tips:
* The bus driver cannot see students standing closer than 10 feet to the bus. Stay out of the danger zone when the bus approaches.
* Students should not retrieve fallen items under or near the bus. Ask the driver to get it.
* Students should wait for the bus in a safe place, away from the street.
* Students should look for safety lights when they get on or off the bus and make sure they are flashing.
* Students should be alert for other traff
ic when they exit the bus and look both ways before crossing the street.
* Cross in front of the bus after the driver says it is safe to proceed.
Make sure your students know how to ride the bus safely to avoid accidents.